Buying or Selling a home has never been easier! Introducing Middle Credit Score®
Rent-to-Own Program.

Middle Credit Score® Rent-to-Own process aligns both Buyers and Sellers, ensuring each client have the required tools needed to Sell and Buy using our Patent Pending Rent-to-Own process.  To start the process or for additional support and answers to questions, click the “Start Here” button below. 

Middle Credit Score® can help with Rent-to-Own:

Rent-to-Own the American Dream is attainable

Rent-to-owning a home can be a good option for those who don’t yet qualify for a mortgage or need more time to save for a down payment.

Rent-to-Own Home Process Builds your Credit

With a rent-to-own agreement, a portion of the monthly rent payment goes toward building equity in the home, which can be used as a down payment when the lease term ends.

Rent-to-Own allows you to Save and Close with Confidence

Important, Real Estate Affiliates carefully review the terms of the agreement with you, including the purchase price and timeline, as well as any additional fees or obligations.

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