Guides & Articles Center

Middle Credit Score Guides & Articles are designed to empower those seeking information about their Credit Scores, with a concentration focus around the Middle Credit Score.

is 600s a good middle score
Is the Middle 600s a good credit score?
When it comes to credit scores, everyone wants to have a good one. A credit score can affect your ability...
Which is the credit score?
Which Credit Bureau is the Middle Credit Score?
When it comes to credit scores, there are three main credit bureaus that provide credit reports and scores: Equifax, Experian,...
Boosting Credit Score before Purchase
Boosting your credit score before you buy
Are you planning to buy a new car, a house, or any other significant purchase that requires a loan? If...
Credit Reports - The Information contained on each
A credit report is a document that provides a summary of an individual’s credit history. It includes information about their...
What Credit Report is the Middle Credit Score on?
Your credit score is an important number that can have a significant impact on your financial life. It’s a measure...
What types of liens are found on the credit report
When you have unpaid debts or outstanding obligations, it’s not uncommon for creditors or debt collectors to place a lien...
What type of companies place judgements on a credit report?
A judgment is a legal order issued by a court that requires an individual or entity to pay a debt...
Late or Missed payments are bad, but they are the worst with the following companies
Late or missed payments on your credit report can significantly impact your credit score, and some creditors are worse than...
Duplicate items can remain on the credit report for sometime
Duplicate items on a credit report can be frustrating for consumers who are trying to maintain or improve their credit...
How does a Bankruptcy effect the Credit Score?
Bankruptcy is a difficult decision to make, but sometimes it may seem like the only option. When you file for...
Why are Charge Off accounts found on the Credit Report?
Charge off accounts are a type of delinquent debt that has been deemed unlikely to be collected by the lender....
How many Credit Reporting Companies are there?
Credit reporting companies, also known as credit bureaus, are responsible for collecting and maintaining credit data for individuals and businesses....